Galentine’s Day
Happy Wednesday! We made it here, and by here I mean the day before Valentine’s Day. First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Meredith, and I am Courtney’s favorite assistant. Okay, well actually I am the only one, but that’s besides the point.
With Courtney, you’ve been gearing up for Valentine’s Day in style and talking about what to wear and what to give for a gift. Jeesh, she is spoiling you all with that info. Here’s the reality though, it is just another day in the week for single people to feel single and for couples to have an excuse for PDA. Gag.
Talking as a strong, independent, and single gal this is not what Valentine’s Day is about for me. So gear up, because in this post we are talking all about GALentine’s Day, which is one of my favorite ways to celebrate.
Avoid restaurant traffic, stay in with your girls and make dinner, crank the music, and have a glass of wine. This is one of the best things to do because well, girl time is the best time (insert hair flip emoji here).
Now that you’ve feasted it’s time to put on your favorite chick flick, which actually means talking the whole time. Am I right? Enjoy time hanging out with some of your favorite people. Because reality check your relationship status may be single, but you are far from alone.
You are surrounded by strong and empowering friends, and that is something that is much more irreplaceable than some guy who walked out of your life (or maybe you needed to walk out of theirs).
Although I believe every day we all should be showing those in our life that we love and appreciate them, I guess cupid thought differently, stupid cupid. I encourage and challenge you to do a random act of kindness (love) for someone you don’t know. To yet again, remind them they aren’t alone, and they are noticed.
Alright, I feel like I just made Valentine’s Day way more sappy and gross than it already was, oops.
Happy Galentine’s (Valentine’s) Day to each of you!